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Zine El Abidine Ben Ali


Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1936) is the current president of Tunisia.

Plus de utilisateur: kwyly
Creer: 7th Mar 2008
Modifier: 14th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of Tunisia
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Born in 1936 in Hammam Sousse, Mr Ben Ali was trained as a soldier, heading into the defense ministry's military intelligence section for 10 years (1964–74) before entering the foreign service. He served as ambassador to Poland before returning home to hold several domestic government posts, which culminated in a dual appointment as prime minister and interior minister.

He was sworn in as the new president in 1987, after doctors declared President Habib Bourguiba unfit to govern because of senility.

President Ben Ali won a fourth five-year term in October 2004, in the second multi-party presidential elections since independence.

Official results gave him nearly 95% of the vote. The main opposition group, the Democratic Progressive Party, pulled out two days before the vote saying its participation would only legitimise a masquerade of democracy.

Mr Ben Ali, from the ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD), had been due to retire in 2004 but changes to the constitution allowed him to run for two more terms.

Biographical Information
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
(At a Glance)
  City: Tunis
Place of Origin: Tunisia

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