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South Africa, United Nations
Navanethem Pillay est une juriste sud-africaine et Haut Commissaire aux Nations Unies pour les droits de l'Homme.
South Africa, United Nations
Navanethem Pillay est une juriste sud-africaine, et la future Haut Commissaire aux Nations Unies pour les droits de l'Homme.
Occupations, Burkina Faso
B?n?wend? Stanislas Sankara is a politician and civil society leader in Burkina Faso.
Legislative, Congo-Kinshasa
Jean Pierre Bemba Gombo is a politician from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Literature, World, Africa
Aim? C?saire was a Martinican poet, humanist and political figure who co-founded the movement of Negritude, along with fellow Martinican...
Gabon, Government
Georgette Koko is the Vice Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Environment in Gabon.
Mauritius, Print
Deepa Bhookhun is a columnist for L'Express, one of the major dailies of the island of Mauritius.
World, NGOs
Edmond Edouard N?gouan is the chairman of the green party of Cote d'Ivoire.
Guinea, Civil Service
Rabiatou Diallo is the leader of an influential union in Guinea.
Madagascar, Traditional
Mahaleo is an out-of-the ordinary musical group from Madagascar.