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Ahmed Sékou Touré


Born on January 9, 1922 in Faranah to the Mandika ethnic group, he is the first president of post-indepedent Guinea from 1958 to 1984.

Plus de utilisateur: lingabire
Creer: 24th Jun 2008
Modifier: 14th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
President of Guinea
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Ahmed Sékou Touré is the grandson of the well known fighter Samory. At the begining of his political career, he was involved with the Postal Workers Union (PTT), a labor union in which he was a founding member in 1945. At this time he also became the Secretary General of the PTT. In 1952 Touré headed the Democratic Party of Guinea, a local branch of the African Democratic Rally (RDA). Leading the RDA, the group pushed the colonial administration into applying the complete guidelines of the work code in Guinea. General Council of Guinea in 1954. President of the organiztion Union Générale des Travailleurs d'Afrique Noir, he was elected as deputy of the French National Assembly in January 1956. Vice-President of the Governenment Council of Guinea in November 1957, he became President in July 1958. He is the only one to vote "no" to the French Union referendum in September 1958 thus rejecting to be appart of the French Community.
Biographical Information
Ahmed Sékou Touré
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jan/9/1922
: male
Place of Origin: Guinea

Guinea became indepedant on October 2, 1958. Sékou Touré is elected president of the Republic on January 15 1959. He creates ties with socialist countires. Even with several attempt to restore good relations, in 1963, the relationship between Paris and Conakry ruptures in 1965. Relations are restored in 1975 followed by a visit by French President Giscard d'Estaing to Guinea in 1978 and an official visit by Sékou Touré to France in 1982.

At the end of the 1970's, Touré turns more and more towards Islam and develops numerous relations with muslim countries and organizations. Constantly re-elected President (the fifth and last time in 1982), Touré died on March 24, 1984.

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