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Post 31 to 40 of 411

United Kingdom, Aid and Assistance, ...
OXFAM fights against poverty worldwide through being a developmental, campaigning and relief organization with many offices worldwide. It primarily seeks...
Health and Medicine, United States, ...
The Open Society Institute serves as the hub of the George Soros foundations network and seeks to promote openness and...
HIV-Aids and STDs, United States, United States, Canada and Africa
FHI seeks to improve the sexual and reproductive health of citizens worldwide. It promotes the improvement and propagation of family...
United States, United States, Canada and Africa, HIV-Aids and STDs
The Horizons Program is run by USAID and has been operating for five years. It seeks to assist in the...
Tanzania, Health and Medicine, Women and Gender
TGNP seeks to promote social and gender equity for women and all marginalized groups in Tanzanian society. Capacity-building, training and...
Health and Medicine, ICT and Telecom, ...
Kasbissa is a non-profit organization seeking to promote the use of ICTs by Africa civil society for the betterment of...
Press and Media, Nigeria, HIV-Aids and STDs
JAAIDS is a non-governmental media group seeking to promote innovative policies through information-sharing. It seeks to spread this information in...
HIV-Aids and STDs, Europe and Africa, United Kingdom
IPPF is the largest voluntary grouping in the world committed to sexual and reproductive health. It is a confederation of...
HIV-Aids and STDs, United States, Canada and Africa, United States
Africare is a private charitable U.S. organization that supports projects specifically relating to food security and HIV/Aids in Africa. The...
United States, Canada and Africa, United States, Health and Medicine
CGDEV is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan think tank dedicated to researching global poverty and combating it through information-sharing. The...